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É«ÖÐÉ« applicants can check the current status of their admission application online.

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When in doubt, ask for help. Report suspicious activities immediately.

Academic Advising 562.985.4837
Admissions 562.985.5471
Admission Tests 562.985.4007
Bookstore (local) 562.985.5093
Bookstore (toll-free) 562.985.8880
Campus Tours 562.985.5358
Career Development Center 562.985.4151
Disabled Student Services 562.985.5401
Educational Opportunity Program 562.985.4288
Engineering Advising Center 562.985.1800
Enrollment Services 562.985.5471
Extension Services 562.985.5561
Financial Aid 562.985.8403
Freshmen Services 562.985.5358
Housing 562.985.4187
Placement Tests 562.985.4007
Prospective Student Services 562.985.5358
Registration 562.985.5515
Sports/Athletics/Recreation 562.985.4655
Student Access to Science 562.985.4266
Summer Session/Open University 562.985.5561
Technology Help Desk 562.985.4959
Transfer Services 562.985.5358